New design system delivered
In 2021 I worked with 'the world's largest dedicated online grocery retailer', Ocado, to overhaul key areas of the consumer site for improved user experience, while phasing in the brand overhaul that the company is working on in partnership with St. Lukes creative agency. My biggest contribution to Ocado included a rework of the site's shop-in-shop sections, for key aisles such as 'Ocado Own Range', Christmas, Baby, etc. so that these sections were easy to navigate, with individual character, but clearly and consistently connected to the wider Ocado site.

In reviewing the task beforehand, I identified that the mobile experience required a thorough rethink, and I worked towards improving this, by bringing relevant content higher up on screen, and simplifying user navigation. Additionally, design considerations were heavily based on the developer usability of the site, since it runs on a CMS, and needs fast turnaround systems in place for keeping information relevant to visitors.
Setting new designs in motion
I was in charge of creating a streamlined template document for designers to use to create new shopfronts, as well as an efficient development template for developers to build out these shopfronts. I spent some time training the design and development team in using the templates, and overseeing their use, making changes where necessary to improve efficiency.
Genral contribution
I created and contributed to processes that aided designers and developers in making day-to-day tasks more consistent and efficient, both within the new templates, and in more general areas. Alongside this, I produced numerous pieces of on-site advertising, banners, emails and microsites, doing both design and development of these pieces as the need arose.
Towards Halloween and Christmas I set up templates and produced banners in a 2D animation environment for social media channels as well as more traditional banner channels. These banners were used to drive traffic to the Ocado site, and the templates have been used since to create many more campaigns.